It’s been a while…

It’s been a while…

Hi! It has definitely been a hot minute since our last post and to say a lot has happened is an understatement! I don’t think 2020 is the year any of us expected and I hope this e-mail finds you and your loved ones well. It is a time of uncertainty, change, movements, loss and so many emotions…a year for the history books that’s for sure.

When we first heard of Covid-19 we had no idea it was literally going to shut down life as we knew it. Like many parents we tried to balance work and virtual school in the spring while also looking after our other child and filling in as Evie’s therapists. Luckily for us only appointments were put on hold and not important surgeries and procedures like other’s have gone through. The first few months were very challenging. Stressing about leaving the house and worrying about others and the world happened daily. I was thankful my husband was able to work from home so our little family was together but like many, we missed our family, friends and old routine.

Once the weather was warmer and restrictions eased, we ended up having a good summer all things considered. A few events we were looking forward to were cancelled but we still played outside a lot, planted a veggie garden, went camping, spent time at a cottage, visited lakes, attended therapy and other appointments (with changes of course), hiked and had backyard visits with loved ones when we could. Evie even climbed through her first real cave (if you have been following us on Instagram, you have seen what we have been up to)!

Once the summer ended we had to decide on which educational route we were going to take. Both Evie and her brother would be in school and our board was offering a Virtual School (online) or a Home School option (in person). This was NOT an easy decision whatsoever. With so much uncertainty we switched our minds back and forth so many times and ultimately chose in-person school. Evie is now in grade 1 and is in a Grade 1/2 split. A lot of things have changed at the school including separating the classes into pods, mask wearing all day (except when eating) and a lot less activities and things to touch in the classroom. The kids enjoy going so that is good. We have been very happy with the communication and the systems the school has set up to keep our kids safe. There is always worry in the back of our minds but we take it day by day. Everyone is just trying to do the best they can in their own situation and we do the same.

Our schedule is a little bit lighter this Fall as many of the recreational programs we often do have been put on hold. Evie currently has physiotherapy and vision therapy (this is new!) once a week each and still participates in Sparks (Girl Guides) outside. We are also trying to get 52 family walks/hikes/bikes in as this was part of our 2020 goals. Sooo basically this is what we have been up to in a nutshell so far this year and where we are now.

Can you believe it has been three years since we started this blog? It came up to be renewed recently and I decided to do it. I still get the odd message from other CP parents who are looking for information or appreciate our Day-to-Day St. Louis journey posts, so felt it was important to keep it going.

Going forward I am thinking of evolving the blog. It will still be updates from our journey but if time allows, I have a few other ideas but open to more! If you have a question, or want details about something we are doing or have done or maybe you have a funny story you want to share or something you feel is important for others to know…send it my way! You can reach me through this site, Instagram or at

Thank you again for being part of our journey and for your ongoing support!

Talk soon (I mean it, much sooner) and take care <3

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