Warrior Wednesday: Gracie

Warrior Wednesday: Gracie

Four years ago I started an Instagram account in hopes of sharing Evie’s CP journey. Since then, I have had the opportunity to connect with many people within the CP community including parents from around the world. Parents, like me, who are trying to figure out this new world they were thrust into once receiving a diagnosis for their child. I have valued these relationships, have been helped by many and hope to pay it forward. I want to help increase awareness, advocate for inclusion and support other warriors like Evie, and that includes sharing other’s stories. With that being said, welcome to our first Warrior Wednesday post!

Meet Gracie

Gracie is a beautiful four year old from Toledo, Ohio. She is described as a happy child who loves life and to laugh! When Gracie was 6 months old her parents, Andrew and Emily, started to notice delays when it came to reaching her milestones. A doctor recommended physiotherapy and when she was still not reaching milestones at twelve months, physiotherapy continued. After many tests and specialists, Gracie was finally given a diagnosis of Hypotonic Cerebral Palsy (low muscle tone) at three years old. Her parents were told that physiotherapy was the only treatment for CP, so as hopeful and devoted parents, Andrew and Emily did all they could to give Gracie the best chance at success. Her therapies ramped up and she would attend occupational therapy, speech therapy, hippotherapy and aquatic therapy in addition to physiotherapy.

Within the last year, Gracie and her family discovered a treatment centre called Oxford Recovery Center in Michigan. Though they had to temporarily relocate, Gracie was able to receive a few intensives this year which consisted of five days a week, three hours a day for four weeks at a time. Gracie would have physiotherapy as well as Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy treatment, something they never knew about before. During these intensives, Gracie had great improvements in her mobility and skills and is so close to walking on her own. Andrew and Emily hope to get Gracie back to this centre in the new year so Gracie can continue on with her amazing progress and gaining independence!

As many fellow CP parents know, therapy is so important for their child, but often very expensive. Gracie’s insurance unfortunately does not cover much of her therapy costs so majority of the funds come from out of pocket. If you wish too learn more about Gracie or to help support her ongoing therapy costs, please go to her GoFundMe account and/or check out her videos on YouTube. There was also a spotlight video Oxford Recovery Centre created on her. If you have questions or wish to connect to Gracie and her family, you can follow her journey on Andrew’s Instagram account.

We are excited to see where Gracie’s journey takes her and will be cheering her on all the way!!

Thank you Andrew and Emily for allowing me to share your warrior’s story.

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