Day 2 – Calm Before the Storm?

Day 2 – Calm Before the Storm?

Today was a much better day! Evie and Brian both got a decent sleep last night at the hospital. We gave Evie valium last night.  Her muscles spasms seemed to be under control but we wanted her to get a good rest as it has been hard for her to settle.  Other than one time to reposition her, she was calm and slept.

We also asked to move to the other part of our room as our baby roomie got discharged  (Yay for them).  We are now near the back of the room where it is a bit darker and a few less distractions.  Our view is pretty too!

First thing this morning a member of Dr. Park’s team checked on Evie. We also got our physio therapy schedule for the next few days. She starts tomorrow! Ev also ordered breakfast and has more of an appetite today.  The meal service here is really neat!  You have a menu and can order your meal/snack/side/dessert/drink (for breakfast, lunch and dinner) from a menu at anytime and it is delivered to your room within the hour.  Of course we have taste tested a lot and everything has been delicious!

Wesley, Grandma and Grandpa also visited twice today.  Apperently Wesley asks to go see Evie and brings his shoes and coat to his grandparents, which is cute.  He is also saying a lot more, so he has changed a lot since being down here.  They are so sweet together  (but there are a lot of temptations to pull or push in a hospital room for a 21 month old).

The pain management team also came by and explained that her epidural would be removed first thing tomorrow  (6:00 am, first PT session at 8:30 am). It takes up to 6 hours for the epidural meds to wear off and often this causes tingling in one’s legs.  It may be uncomfortable they said. They will be giving Evie a one time dose of Oxy to help with her pain/transition off the epidural.  Her catheter will be removed and she will need a suppository at the same time as she hasn’t had a bowel movement (and has barely eaten).  She is not going to be happy at 6:00 am!

Brian is staying at the hotel tonight but will be back here before 6:00 am because it is going to be a real “fun” time.  Poor girl.  We hope she sleeps well till then. Big day tomorrow! Some SDR friends say Day 3 was the worst for their kiddos.

Perhaps today was the calm before the storm but I know we will get through any storm!

P.S. Brian and I have gotten good at doing things one handed.  As long as someone is holding her hand, Evie is a lot calmer! Nice to see the Evie we know return a bit more today!

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