Day 337 – 11 Months Post Op

Day 337 – 11 Months Post Op

Here is our update since our last post!

Evie has continued to take swimming lessons and attending physio sessions at both Grandview and SMILE.  She has now completed four sessions at Train Like Heroes and she is loving it! One, she is very interested in super heroes and pretending to be one (especially from The Incredible or Bat Girl). Two, Michael the owner and her trainer is a great addition to the already awesome team we have supporting Evie.  He is enthusiastic, playful and positive but he works Evie hard and doesn’t let her get away with anything.  Her knees touch the ground when doing drills…burpees. She becomes unfocused and takes too long to restart her activity…burpees.  Needless to say, Ev knows how to do burpees now but she is trying very hard not to let her knees touch the ground when doing certain things.  She is also loving learning new skills like the monkey bars or the warped wall and I like that she is doing sport drills!  Her running ability is really coming along and it is always good to change things up.  Can’t wait to see what she learns next!


Evelyn also started skating lessons with Brian.  It is nice they have something they can do together (plus I don’t know where my skates are!).  Every session she gets more comfortable but it is still pretty tricky for her to stand on her own.  It is also at the end of the week so she is normally pretty tired. Overall I think she enjoys it and I need to get searching for my own skates as well as a pair for Wes so we can do some family skating!


Next week we will be doing a 10 day trial with one of Bioness’s systems.  There will be an hour assessment and fitting and then we will be able to take the machine home and see if we like it.  I’ll be bringing to our various therapies and am anxious and excited to see how this help’s Evelyn’s gait pattern.  We are stretching more at home and starting to use a vibration plate but that left heel is still up.  Before we revisit the idea of PERCS, I’d like to see if this works.  I will share how it goes in the coming weeks!

An exciting moment recently was when Evie won an award at school for Optimism!  She was so excited to win and was so happy to see us in the audience when she accepted her certificate last week.  Evie is overall a very positive and enthusiastic child and it is nice to know her school recognizes it too!

We are also deep into birthday season!  Both Brian and I have celebrated our birthdays and Evie’s is next week.  We also have many little friends who have birthdays so we have and will continue to attend several parties in the next month.  It is always fun to get together and celebrate with our pals!!

Hope you are all keeping warm and have a great weekend!



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